Support groups
If you are attending a support group meeting for the first time, we recommend that you call ahead of time to confirm that no changes in the schedule have been made.
If you would like to have your group added to this list, please contact Laura Mancini by email with the contact name, phone number, time, and meeting place of your organization.
Acoustic Neuroma Support Group: Meets in Cincinnati; contact Alice Wedding at 513.831.0336.
Adolescents & Adults Living with Epilepsy: For more information, please contact Mary Marr at 513-434-1989 or by email.
Brain Aneurysm Support Group (Tri-State): Meets the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8:00 p.m., locations vary. Please visit or call (513) 569-5346 (Support Group Info Line).
Brain Tumor Connection Group (monthly virtual via Zoom), Cancer Support Community
Brain Tumor Support Group (monthly in-person), Mercy Jewish 6-7:30pm
Epilepsy Support Groups: For a complete list of support groups throughout the region, contact the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Cincinnati at 513.721.2905 or
Parkinson Support & Wellness: Patients and their families can contact local tristate support groups through the Parkinson Support and Wellness at 513-558-0113 or visit
Trigeminal Neuralgia Support: Online support group is available at the TNA Facial Pain Association 800-923-3608.