Terry's story: From caregiver to DBS patient
The story began in 2018 with Terry Donoghue's interview with Liz Bonis of Local 12-WKRC. The subject was Terry's fundraising team for the Alzheimer's Association – Marge's Minions – named in honor of Terry's wife. It was clear to Ms. Bonis, however, that there was another element to this story. Terry, Marge's primary caregiver, had Parkinson's disease, and he needed someone to look after his health, too.
Ms. Bonis proceeded to introduce Terry to George Mandybur, MD, a movement disorders specialist at Mayfield Brain & Spine who has performed more than a thousand deep brain stimulation (DBS) procedures for people with Parkinson's disease and essential tremor during his 22-year career.

Terry became a patient, and in April 2019 he underwent asleep DBS at The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health. Tad Butler, Mercy's staff photographer, took photos before and during the procedure.
After months of following Terry's story, Local 12 aired the final product > http://bit.ly/Caring4Caregiver
~ Cindy Starr
Hope Story Disclaimer -"Terry's Story" is about one patient's health-care experience. Please bear in mind that because every patient is unique, individual patients may respond to treatment in different ways. Results are influenced by many factors and may vary from patient to patient.

Terry with his daughter Tracy
Related links
Physician bio: George T. Mandybur
Local12: Local caregiver takes next step in journey to heal Parkinson's